Monday, June 30, 2008

Anything not saved will be lost.

Are you sure you want to continue?

Words of wisdom from wii-master. Most people disregard these messages, and I usually do, too. But having lost some things lately, I'm going to start paying more attention.

We're not going to go back to when I lost my passport, and my drill, the latter of which was found. Whenever I find something that I thought was lost, my DH always asks, "Is your passport in there?" I did, however, lose a life that was entrusted to my care on Saturday.

We are dog-sitting for my DD's cello teacher, who is on an extended trip. The charming Mr. Joey is a black mixed breed lab/dachshund who is surprisingly well-behaved for a 7 month old puppy. Of course he loves DH who I refer as his step-dad. DH was at a very long gig so DD & I went to the movies (Wall-E). After running an errand, we came home to a wide open gate and no black dog. The wind was heavy and it pushed the gate open. I immediately called "help-me- find-the-dog-I'm-supposed-to-be-watching-911", my friend Pat. She and I cruised around our neighborhood for over an hour calling out to Joey, but to no avail. Did I mention that same Pat and I had a nice big fat duet/trio the next morning with the Schumacher, our gallery organ? We tried to save our voices but couldn't help calling for the lost guy. Around 11:30pm I get a call from Joey's mom, who tells me that a neighbor of mine has Joey in her garage! She looked up the owner info from Joey's tag. Thank the dog gods! Now I'm barely letting him out to pee.

While we were looking for the dog, the DH had a wedding to DJ. He informed me the next day that some people were having a great time, what with the open bar and all, and that a young man, surrounded by his peers, actually pulled his dick out of his pants. I said, "Wait a minute, did you actually see the dick?" "Yes, I saw his pink pointer." A moment that the reveler probably wishes will be lost, and not saved, especially by the wedding videographer.

At the moment in the Doppler household, we are dealing with a problem so heinous, so vile, that I dare not speak of it here. Nobody is sick or dying, but the Dopplers have some extra houseguests that REALLY need to get LOST!

And on top of that, wii-master's little red scion was completely out today. This was after I played The Seeker and Cherub Rock on hard (thank you!) earlier in the day. A quick call to Nintendo and a short conversation with somebody not in Bangalore or anywhere on that continent and wii-master was back at the ready. To quote an old 80s saying, "I almost lost it."

I watched my Netflix movie last night, "Dancer In The Dark" about a factory worker who loses her eyesight. I think about all the things I've lost over the years. A passport can be replaced (and it was), drills can be bought, dogs come home even if it's not their own home, dicks get taken out (that's a little like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube, once it's out, it's out), and wii-masters get restored. At least I can see.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I am a guitar hero

According to my Wii, that is. I finally mastered the easy section of guitar hero, after about 3 weeks of studying and practicing, all time well-spent. I also got a wi-fi and can play other supposed heros from around the world. I always kick their ass. Could it be I'm playing on medium and they, expert?
I'm ready to buy an electric guitar and amp and tour the world.