Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What IS Enlightenment, anyway?

Here are some excerpts from the latest installment of the magazine that is "redefining spirituality for an evolving world:"

"As the ensuing essay methodologically examines the development of Metallica's lyrical corpus, recognizing and deconstructing tendencies toward artificial generalizations on this level are fundamentally important to opening the way for letting their lyrics speak for themselves, on their own terms, within their own context."

That is one sentence. I must note that this is an excerpt from a book, where the reviewer stated that "this book is afflicted with a common syndrome found in many contemporary academic texts: impenetrable writing." Impenetrable, as well as run-on. Remember, they're writing about Metallica, people!

Next, part of a book about the "deep spiritual and religious impulses in the work of (pop and rock musicians):"

"On those occasions when [Van] Morrison exhausts a lyric, he avails himself of a more elemental brogue, a glossolalia through which he moans, stammers, and wrestles wordlessly, locked in a groove until he finds and awakens what in one staggering track he refers to as the lion inside him."

Glossolalia? Isn't that what one gets when one gets so stoned, they feel the need to pontificate about Van Morrison's lyrics AND simultaneously experiences a wicked dry mouth (and tongue)?

If this is enlightenment, then I'm way off. I probably have many more lifetimes to go!

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