Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What? No Photos?

I haven't blogged in a while because I haven't had the time to wait for my photos to upload, which at Blogger can take a while. So I decided while I have the time but not the camera, I'll write about what's been going on since last posting, Nov 2007 (yikes!). A good blog entry doesn't always need photos, right?
We held Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year. We haven't done that before, but were happy to oblige. Hubby made homemade cornbread stuffing that was to die for, along with the normal fare. I ended up making 3 pear-cranberry pies that week (I have awesome step-by-step photos that I will include in a later post). Everbody loved them! I love cranberries and pears and thought the combination couldn't be wrong.
We had the large Christmas party on 12/23 this year, still fewer than what we've had before. Two weekends before that my brother-in-law and his wife moved here permanently from Japan. It is so joyful knowing they are here now and we can see them more often. Santa came down the chimney with lots of toys, but my daughter's favorite is Buzz Lightyear.
Our choir performed Vivaldi's "Gloria" in its entirety before the service on Christmas Eve, then my all-time favorite song in the world sacred and profane, "Here is the Little Door" by Herbert Howells, a transcript you will find in a previous post. Then a sweet little number written by our choir director "Holy Child".
I tried contacting some old friends who live at great distances to see how they are doing, and didn't hear from either of them. I seem to care for these people a bit and always wonder how things are going for them.
Also we got a new central AC/heat for the house and a new shed! Not a woman's idea of Christmas presents but both badly needed.

1 comment:

Shadowfox said...

Hi there colordoppler,
I'm not sure if you remember me, I attempted the polyphasic sleep schedule 2 years back and I just came across your comment stating that you also tended to get low amounts of sleep at night and also get some napping in. I was curious if you were still doing something similar? I decided to take up the napping schedule once more to see how it goes. I would really love to have those night hours instead of sleeping through them, haha. Your kids must be a bit older by now so do you have a more mainstream schedule?