Thursday, October 26, 2006

Some Recent Irritations

A few things that have gotten under my skin this week:

1. The schoolbus driver in front of me who threw out a styrofoam cup out of the driver's window. You know, the huge white ones with a half life of about 668 years? What a great example she is setting for her young charges in her care.

2. The public utility truck and trailer full of who knows what kind of crap that pulls out in front of me on my way to work. This fine city employee couldn't be bothered to drive more than 10 miles an hour. You see,
he was already at work. I, however, was trying to get there.....

3. The kind gentleman with whom I occasionally work with whom I offered a cup of coffee. He came back 45 minutes later asking for another. I only have a 4 cup coffee maker, so that killed that pot. But the clincher is that he didn't close the french vanilla creamer all the way, so when I went to shake it vigorously, as is my custom, (I made a 2nd pot), I got it all over God's green acre!

4. My daughter's kindergarten teacher taking her 5th day off since school started in August. Don't you people have like 3 months off in the summer to galavant around?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Here is the Little Door

Here is the little door.
Lift up the latch, O lift!
We need not wander
but enter with our gift.

Our gift of finest gold--
Gold that was never bought nor sold.
Myrrh to be strewn about his bed.
Incence in clouds above his head.
All for the child that stirs not in his sleep
But holy slumber holds with ass and sheep.

Bend low about his bed,
for each he has a gift.
See how his eyes awake--
Lift up your hands, O lift!

For gold, he gives a keen-edged sword
(defend with it, thy little Lord).
For incense, smoke of battle red.
Myrrh for the honored, happy dead.
Gifts for His children
Terrible and sweet.
Touched by such tiny hands
and, O, such tiny feet.

G.K. Chesterson

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Big In Japan: Road Rage Japan!

Big In Japan: Road Rage Japan!

Best of Denver

I went to the fantastic bookstore "The Tattered Cover" in Denver on Colfax a few days ago and snapped this shot. It's a great independent bookstore!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Midori (violinist) concert

I'm looking forward to attending the symphony concert tonight featuring Midori, an accomplished violinist, performing the Brahms Violin Concerto. Her debut was at age 11 with Zubin Mehta!

Quilt Show

I attended the quilt show a few weeks ago. Here are some of the highlights:

Friday, July 07, 2006

Sunday, July 02, 2006

New work in progress

As a lover of all batik fabrics, I've put together a small square quilt using 49 2" squares of my most colorful batiks. All that is left is the hand-finishing of the binding. My least favorite part!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A "Happy Fertilization" Cake?

I was reviewing some cake recipes today, and I came across this. I suppose this is a reason to celebrate...but with a sperm cake?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Can you spot the bird in this picture?

Let's see...some drunk folks, the family dog, the naval officer passed out on the couch...oh wait, there's the birdie!

What IS Enlightenment, anyway?

Here are some excerpts from the latest installment of the magazine that is "redefining spirituality for an evolving world:"

"As the ensuing essay methodologically examines the development of Metallica's lyrical corpus, recognizing and deconstructing tendencies toward artificial generalizations on this level are fundamentally important to opening the way for letting their lyrics speak for themselves, on their own terms, within their own context."

That is one sentence. I must note that this is an excerpt from a book, where the reviewer stated that "this book is afflicted with a common syndrome found in many contemporary academic texts: impenetrable writing." Impenetrable, as well as run-on. Remember, they're writing about Metallica, people!

Next, part of a book about the "deep spiritual and religious impulses in the work of (pop and rock musicians):"

"On those occasions when [Van] Morrison exhausts a lyric, he avails himself of a more elemental brogue, a glossolalia through which he moans, stammers, and wrestles wordlessly, locked in a groove until he finds and awakens what in one staggering track he refers to as the lion inside him."

Glossolalia? Isn't that what one gets when one gets so stoned, they feel the need to pontificate about Van Morrison's lyrics AND simultaneously experiences a wicked dry mouth (and tongue)?

If this is enlightenment, then I'm way off. I probably have many more lifetimes to go!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dough Oxymoron?

We saw this "specialty" stand at the fair yesterday.
Doesn't dough cease to be dough once it's cooked
(or fried, for that matter)? We didn't test it to
find out! Also, does the Pillsbury Dough Boy know
what he's advertising--frying the likes of his person, which is probably served on a stick!

Mmmmmm, cowboys!

We went to the fair yesterday, and they had a rodeo. I took this pic as one of the cowboys was getting ready to ride a bull.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Broccoli Salad

Now that it's officially spring, it's time to haul out the spring and summer recipes. Broccoli salad is one of my family's favorites. The fully engaged version calls for bacon, red onion, cheddar, raisins, and of course, broccoli. Here's the salad I made today, with just cheddar and Craisins (instead of raisins). YUM!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Uniball Signo 207 has "cult" following

I was getting a phone # from a friend when he whipped out his pen to write it down. I asked, "Is that a 207?" I could tell by his smile that he was "in the know" about this fantastic pen. When I bought my first 207, the silver one in the picture with the clear mushy grip, it was immediately siezed by my husband, claiming he needed it for "business." I bought this pen only because it was personally endorsed by Frank W. Abagnale, Jr. (hint--think Leo DiCaprio). My husband has since used up all the ink it it, which I thought was statistically impossible. So I had to get another 207, a black one, and brought home his friends blue and purple. Nothing but compliments on this pen which cost less than $3. My friend says many of his friends have discovered this pen on their own, and swear by it, as we do. So now we're all part of the 207 cult. I have a nice red 207 that has never been used that I have placed in a position of honor upon my family altar.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sliding Meditation

Here's my DD at the top of the 8' slide doing some meditation!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday Sunday

After my husband & I stayed up til 5am, we had a hard time getting started today. He DJed a wedding and I got together with my friend to bead and shop and eat. "Is there anything more relaxing than going through your beads?" she always says. Above are a couple of bracelets I made. The one on the right is pink quartz.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Spring Training

We're off to NY Yankees spring training in Tampa. Haven't been in a couple of years. Hopefully this is going to be a good year for them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

all kinds of stuff: CALLING ALL COOL GIRLS!

all kinds of stuff: CALLING ALL COOL GIRLS!


We're all still reeling from the news of the death of one of our radiologists. He was an avid golfer and actually played earlier in the day before he collapsed. He leaves behind two very young children. He ate well and appeared to be in very good health. So I had a double cheeseburger and fries in his honor.
On a lighter note, I slept in today, too late to take my daughter to preschool (she slept in with me). I guess she can miss a day. Next year she starts kindergarten and will be gone every day, and I'll miss her. I'll also get loads of stuff done before I have to go to work.